Week 24 of Weekly Wellness: Skin Care 101 for Teens

[Photo by @wearefredi]

[Photo by @wearefredi]

Looking back to my teenage years, I was clueless when it came to skin care. These days, teens have an overabundance of information thanks to platforms like TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, all broadcasting beauty trending content daily.

This past week, I was invited to lead a spa night for a youth group of teenage girls. I shared the basics as well as some tips and tricks I’ve picked up throughout my years as a master esthetician and beauty industry veteran. I packed up my arsenal (The Full Set) from teen-favorite brand Bubble for a night of facials with the girls.

Week 23 of Weekly Wellness: Wellness in a Bento Box

Bubble is a straightforward clean skin care brand that uses plant-based powerhouse ingredients. One of my favorite things about Bubble is their Skin School, an educational resource for teens (or anyone for that matter) to learn about products, ingredients, skin conditions, and skin care myths—debunked!

Made in the U.S., the line even commits to donating a portion of proceeds to nonprofits supporting teens. On Juneteenth of this year, the brand donated 50% of the day’s proceeds to Therapy for Black Girls. 

Bubble’s Full Set ($99) comes with everything needed to get started with a new skin care routine plus stickers and a zipper bag. [Photo by Alisha Racker]

Bubble’s Full Set ($99) comes with everything needed to get started with a new skin care routine plus stickers and a zipper bag. [Photo by Alisha Racker]

Bubble’s Full Set includes:

  • Fresh Start Gel Cleanser

  • Break Even Balancing Toner

  • Bounce Back Refreshing Toner

  • Slam Dunk Hydrating Moisturizer

  • Level Up Balancing Moisturizer

  • Come Clean Detoxifying Clay Mask

  • Wipe Out Makeup Remover

Price: $99

Available: hellobubble.com

Like many of the tips included in Bubble’s Skin School, I shared the following beauty advice with my teen friends. My basic skin care advice for teens (or anyone for that matter) is as follows:

[Photo by Jessica Felicio]

[Photo by Jessica Felicio]

Top Tips for Healthy Skin

1. Keep germs at bay

Avoid touching your face. Sanitize your cell phone, keys, and any other frequently used items. Wash makeup brushes often and be sure to keep your pillowcase fresh by removing makeup each night and washing sheets often. Hygienic practices can prevent bacteria  from spreading or causing potential issues.

Important: Do not pick, pop or otherwise ‘perform surgery’ on your blemishes. Doing so spreads bacteria and can cause permanent scarring. Step away from the mirror and realize nobody is scrutinizing your imperfections, they’re usually too focused on their own anyway.

2. Manage stress

Take time for self-care. Eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep. Since skin is our largest living organ,  it’s no surprise that lifestyle choices and overall health can influence our appearance. Stress tends to go hand and hand with skin flare-ups among skin conditions as the body experiences an increase in adrenaline and cortisol, among other fight-or-flight responses.

3. Know your skin type

A good first start to healthy skin is knowing your skin type. Most people’s skin falls into one of five categories: normal, dry, oily, combination or sensitive. Knowing how your skin will likely react to certain products or ingredients can save time, money, and potential irritation. Take Bubble’s Know Your Skin Type Quiz to help determine your skin type.

4. Moisturizer is your friend 

As someone with dry skin living in a dry climate, my skin soaks up the thickest of moisturizers. I’ve met many clients and friends throughout the years with oily or acne-prone skin who are afraid to use moisturizers for fear of adding more shine to skin or clogging pores. It’s true that heavier moisturizers may not be suitable for all skin types, but not using one at all can result in more oil produced as the skin compensates naturally. The key is using an appropriate moisturizer for your skin type to nourish, add moisture, and protect skin from dryness and excess oil production. Moisturizer is typically recommended twice daily as the last step in a skin care regimen.


Daily use of sunscreen, along with safe sun practices, is the most crucial skin advice for both short and long-term benefits. In addition to protecting the skin from sunburns, sunscreen can aide in premature aging, photo damage, and skin cancer. Mineral sunscreen formulas act like a shield against UV rays thanks to zinc oxide and are safer on ocean life and coral reefs. Sunscreen should be used daily and reapplied often when direct exposure to the sun occurs.

Week 22 of Weekly Wellness: More on NuFace - Attachments and Fix

I’d love to hear how you practiced self-care this week! What are your top skin care tips to live by? Tag me on Instagram @SLCBeautyBabe or @SpaandBeautyToday with tips and suggestions for next week.

[Photos by Alisha Racker]

Alisha Racker’s beauty career has spanned over a decade as she's worked as a master esthetician, skin care PR-pro and freelance writer. She lives in the beautiful mountains of Salt Lake City with her husband and daughter. Follow her on Instagram: @alisharacker