Shopping My Stash: Week 4

Part of my beauty collection.

Part of my beauty collection.

A beauty addict’s commitment to being more mindful, less wasteful, and buying nothing new in 2020.

I’m officially a month into my “no buy” and I’m starting to panic. When I committed to no new beauty products in 2020, it sounded like a great idea. Use what I have, shop my stash, and rediscover things I forgot I had. The problem is, I never defined the parameters of what a “beauty product” is. Makeup seems obvious, but lotion? Body wash? Shampoo? Perfume? Deodorant?

I’m going to give myself a pass and free reign to buy deodorant because I’m a sweaty person and I’d like to be able to go out in public. I’m also going to allow myself to buy body wash and shampoo, because again, I need to go out into the world and not offend people. I am, however, committed to less waste, and once I finish my current body wash I’ll switch to bar soap. I’m going to use all of the various lotions I have before I think about buying more—I may not need to (to be determined). Apparently I’m a lotion hoarder.

My perfume collection.

My perfume collection.

I have enough perfume to last until approximately 2022. I think I answered my own questions. It’s okay to buy general basic hygiene products (but only when completely out) and look for more eco-friendly alternatives when possible. Sounds like a plan to me!

Biore UV Watery Essence and Alastin Hydratint Pro Mineral Sunscreen.

Biore UV Watery Essence and Alastin Hydratint Pro Mineral Sunscreen.

Normally, this would be the time that I tell you what makeup I’ve been using this past week and what I’m loving in my stash. Unfortunately, I have nothing new to report about other than sunblock. I was in Hawaii this past week on vacation and at the last minute decided to bring a very tiny makeup bag that contained mostly samples. 

As noted above, I’m a very sweaty person and makeup just doesn’t do well in humid climates, so I decided to go sans makeup the majority of my trip. Sunscreen is a must, no matter what. I alternated between the Biore UV Watery Essence (a Japanese sunscreen that is my absolute favorite) and my Alastin Hydratint Pro Mineral Sunscreen. It has a slight tin, and gives skin an amazing glow. 

Big Island views in Hawaii.

Big Island views in Hawaii.

It was my first time to the Big Island and it was absolutely beautiful. I wasn’t really worried about what I looked like because I was too busy enjoying the sunsets. I’m looking forward to getting back into my routine post-vacation and wearing lots of makeup this week, which you’ll hear about in the near future. In the meantime, wherever you are, I hope you take some time to try and enjoy the view. 


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3


Tara KP Troszak is an LA-based lawyer, self-proclaimed cat lady, writer and freelance makeup artist for MAC cosmetics. She lives in the San Fernando Valley with her husband Nick and her cat Chevy. Follow her on Instagram: @makeupbytkp.